Introducing the Charleston Design District: New Regional Hub Coming to Navy Yard Charleston This Fall
Fritz Porter’s Showroom at The Navy Yard Industrial Campus
Navy Yard Charleston is establishing the Charleston Design District, a hub for designers to create and source premium home furnishings, featuring design showrooms for a wide range of product lines. Located along the Cooper River in North Charleston, SC, the Charleston Design District will span areas of the former Charleston Naval Base and surrounding historic campus when it officially launches in the fall.
A turn-of-the-century Navy storehouse has been converted into dozens of live/work units as part of the redevelopment of a formal Naval Complex in North Charleston.
McMillan Ave. closed for construction – alternate routes map to Navy Yard Charleston
Property Update: While the South Carolina Ports Authority continues the construction of the Navy Base Intermodal Facility, we will update you with road closures and alternate routes to access Navy Yard Charleston and Riverfront Park.
NORTH CHARLESTON — Heading toward the old Charleston Navy base, Cosgrove and Spruill avenues form a “T,” sending drivers in one of two directions.
A left turn leads toward bustling Park Circle, a part of the city that is filled with locally owned eating and drinking venues like Stems & Skins, The Tattooed Moose, Jackrabbit Filly and Commonhouse Aleworks. Heading right will take you to the Reynolds Avenue restaurant corridor.
That moniker doesn’t exist just yet, but this portion of the city’s Chicora Cherokee neighborhood is in the midst of a transformation that could bolster the area’s independent restaurants.
Count on News 2- Part of former Navy Base to be redeveloped
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – A portion of the former Charleston Naval Base could be the future site of a downtown area in North Charleston. “We want to develop into what would be the closest thing we would ever have to a major downtown high-rise, a lot of people located within the area, waterfront. And in order for that to work, we need one master plan,” said Mayor Keith Summey.
Post and Courier- Navy base redevelopment underway
NORTH CHARLESTON — A transformative redevelopment on the former Navy base is starting to take shape nearly two years after plans for more than 1.2 million square feet of offices, homes, shops and restaurants were first detailed.
Post and Courier- Photos: Navy Base redevelopment underway
Renovation and redevelopment of the old Navy Base in North Charleston is underway, with restaurants, office space, and apartments planned for Storehouses 8 and 9.